Spectrométrie de fluorescence X


Analyse élémentaire · Décrypter les signatures chimiques

Les analyses élémentaires jouent un rôle important en archéologie en offrant des indices sur l’origine géographique des matériaux, la circulation des biens, les pratiques artisanales et les échanges commerciaux. Le laboratoire dispose (…)

Elemental and isotopic composition of bronze axes from Léon (France)

This dataset contains analyses of 31 copper-alloy axes from Léon (Landes, France).

pXRF analysis of medieval and modern ceramics from Erbray (France)

This dataset contains analyses of 60 ceramic samples from Les Landelles (Erbray, Loire-Atlantique, France). The chemical composition of the samples was obtained by portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF).

EDS and XRD analysis of medieval ceramics from Beaupréau-en-Mauges (France)

This dataset contains analyses of 76 ceramic samples from the medieval workshop of Les Landes (Beaupréau-en-Mauges, Maine-et-Loire, France). The chemical composition of the samples was obtained by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (…)

WDXRF analysis of Iberian unfired potsherds from the Late Iron Age

This data set contains 15 chemical analyses of unfired potsherds from the Iberian workshop of the Mas de Moreno (Teruel, Spain). The chemical composition of the samples was obtained by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (…)

WDXRF analysis of Iberian potsherds from the Late Iron Age

This data set contains 99 chemical analyses of ceramic potsherds from the Iberian workshop of the Mas de Moreno (Teruel, Spain). The chemical composition of the samples was obtained by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (…)